Welcome, our door is always open

Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make to prepare them for their future. At Katikati College we offer your child a balanced education that embraces the whole student; supporting, motivating and challenging them to achieve their personal best.
So please have a look around to learn what our College can offer you and get in touch with our office if you have any further questions on (07) 549 0434.
Ngā mihi nui
Louise Buckley
Start of 2025 Year Information
Please click on the link to see detailed information.
Message from our Principal
Kia ora koutou
We are looking forward to seeing all students over the course of this week. Below are a few important reminders.
“Growing connected learners who make positive contributions to our thriving community” is what we are about at Katikati College. Our school vision is evident in all that we do and drives our decision making. Our school values are:
- Whanaungatanga - building connections and relationships
- Kaitiakitanga - guardianship of the environment and knowledge
- Manaakitanga - kindness, respect, and service to and for others
Wednesday 5 February - New Students
All new students are to be in the College Hall by 8.30 am in preparation for the Powhiri. Whānau are welcome to attend Pōwhiri.
After the Pōwhiri, whānau are invited for kai. Following this, Year 7 students will be introduced to their homeroom teacher and taken to their class.
All other new students will meet their Dean and once formalities are completed will be dismissed.
Year 7 students will be dismissed at the conclusion of the day at 3.05 pm.
Friday 7 February - All Students
8.30 am - Year 9 students meet in the hall. All other students meet at their form classes.
8.50 am - The timetable begins.
Attendance is important from day 1. As a college student, you must be attending 80% or more if representing the college at an event - sports, arts, and cultural. Students also need to be following the College's expectations to represent our school in any activity. Please see the diagram below, which shows how everyday attendance has an impact.
Staffing Updates
We are excited to welcome the following staff.
Amanda Lemon - Social Science
Sally Carter - Year 8
Watch out for the college newsletter for their introduction and any other staffing updates.
Teachers will be communicating to whānau over the next couple of weeks. Introducing themselves, their expectations and overview of what students are covering. Below is a little reminder of the importance of positive communication.
When communicating with staff and teachers at Katikati College, it's important for whānau, parents, and the community to follow guidelines that promote respectful and constructive interactions. Here’s some helpful information:
General Guidelines for Communication:
- Respectful Communication: Always approach communication with respect and politeness. Remember that teachers and staff are professionals who are dedicated to supporting your child's education.
- Email Etiquette: Use clear and concise language in emails. Include relevant information such as your child’s full name, class, and the purpose of your email. Avoid using all caps, which can be interpreted as shouting.
- Appropriate Channels: If you have a concern or query, it’s best to contact the teacher or staff member directly involved. For more serious issues, you may contact the Head of Faculty, Deputy Principal, or Principal.
- Response Time: Be patient. Staff have a range of responsibilities, so allow a reasonable amount of time for a response, typically within 24-48 hours during the school week.
As part of Education Outside the Classroom we are streamlining consents. All local low risk events will come under general consent. Please see the separate Blanket Consent Letter and Form which will be emailed out later today. This online form needs to be completed by Monday 10 February.
Just a reminder of uniform expectations which is located on our website. Please ensure ākonga are in the correct uniform.
NCEA Success
We are proud to share that our students have performed above national averages for NCEA on the whole, demonstrating resilience and dedication in their studies. While NCEA Level 1 has been particularly challenging for all students across the country this year, due to the new system, our students have still excelled attaining results 15% higher than the national average. Additionally, students can continue to secure their qualification over the next three weeks prior to NZQA finalising students grades. We encourage them to take full advantage of this opportunity to reach their goals.
For those students who missed out on gaining NCEA, there is still an opportunity to build on their credits this year to achieve their qualification. All credits gained in 2024 will flow into this year.
We look forward to seeing our seniors return and continuing their academic journey. It is vital in 2025 that students attend regularly and remain focused on their learning to ensure success in their NCEA studies.
We are looking forward to a year of exciting opportunities for our students and community.
Please check the College website (https://www.kkc.school.nz/) and follow our FaceBook page (https://www.facebook.com/KatikatiCollege) for important dates and information. Our Newsletter, which is to be published in a few weeks, will also have further information.
Nga mihi nui
Senior Leadership Team
Helpful Links for 2025
Katikati College Uniform Shop
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.ushops.uniformgroup.co.nz
Office Max Stationery Orders
Office Products Depot Order
Back to School 2025 - Visit https://nzschoolshop.co.nz
This link to Office Products Depot stationery lists will be available on Friday 13 December

School Life
Becoming a Member of Our School, Administrative Information and Need-to-Know Details