When? Where? What do I need to be 'in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing'.
This page has information about Uniform, Stationery, Expectations, Computers, Notices, Calendar, Buses and more.
For any queries please phone the College on 07 549 0434. Our office hours are Monday - Thursday 8am - 4pm, Friday 8am - 3.30pm.
If your child is not attending school today please contact the school office by one of the following methods:
Phone 07 549 0434 press 2 for absentees and leave a message
Email [email protected]
Text 0297705379
When messaging the school regarding your child's absence please include their first and surname, class, reason for absence and name of person leaving message.
Events happening in the next term
5 February - Year 7 begin at College
6 February - Waitangi Day - College closed
7 February - School Timetable begins for all students
14 February - Competitive Swimming Competition
17 - 20 February - Year 9 & 10 English PAT
21 February - Play your Part Fair (tbc)
24 - 27 February - Year 9 & 10 Maths PAT
27 February - Non-competitive Swimming Sports (tbc)
5 March - ID Photos taken
10 - 14 March - Year 7 & 8 PAT week
11 March - Athletics Day
24 - 28 March - Summer Tournament Week
Uniform Shop Information
Katikati College Uniform Shop
Stationery Orders
Office Product Depot - Stationery Orders (this link is available from Friday 13 December)